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Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies Program


Graduate Students

Aainaa BAKIR

BA, Museum Studies and Archaeology, the University of Reading (UK)

Supervisor: Tristan GRUNOW

Aainaa graduated from the University of Reading with a BA in Museum Studies and Archaeology, and has since then been actively working with museums and galleries in Brunei. Her interests mainly lie in museology, as well as cultural and heritage studies. Her current research revolves around the digitization of museums and exhibitions for accessibility and global connectivity.

Contact: Click Here


BA, English Literature, St. Stephen's College (India)

MA, English, Delhi University (India)

SupervisorKristina IWATA-WEICKGENANNT 


Gena Fazel completed her Bachelor's in English Literature from St. Stephen's College and continued onto the Master's program at the Department of English, Delhi University. Currently enrolled in the Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies (JACS) graduate program at Nagoya University (Japan), she is the recipient of the prestigious MEXT scholarship granted by the Japanese government for aspiring researchers in the field of literature. Her thesis looks at Pan-Asian tendencies in the works of renowned Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore and Japanese art critic Okakura Kakuzō. Chiefly focusing on literary encounters between the two nations, her previous works include the analysis of Shūsaku Endō's Deep River, and Pico Iyer's The Lady and the Monk.

Contact: Click Here


BA, History, University of Valencia (Spain)

Supervisor: Tristan GRUNOW


Ignacio graduated in History from University of Valencia, after having spent a fruitful year as an exchange student at Sophia University in Tokyo, where he became interested in Japanese history. His current research as a MEXT scholar at Nagoya University focuses on education during the Meiji period and how children’s minds and bodies were disciplined and molded to serve the interests of the modern state through material objects in the classroom.

Joseph MARTY

Supervisor: Kristina IWATA-WEICKGENANNT 


Joseph Marty holds a Master’s Degree in Library Science from Indiana University Bloomington (USA) as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Japanese Language and Culture from Eastern Michigan University (USA). He is interested in Cataloging and Technical Services for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) Area Studies Librarianship.
Now he studies Literature in the Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies (JACS) Graduate Program at Nagoya University. His thesis topic will cover metaphysical fiction author Kurahashi Yumiko's 1961 novel whose title can be translated as Nowhere. He is researching this text’s potential for contemporary readings.


Contact: Click Here


BA, Film Studies, the University of Helsinki (Finland)


Supervisor: MA Ran



Mika Pätilä completed his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Helsinki in 2020 where he majored in Film Studies. His current research is a reevaluation of the films of Yasujiro Ozu from the angle of cinematic metafiction.


BA, Japanese Language and Literature, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (Ukraine)

Supervisor: Kristina IWATA-WEICKGENANNT 


Kateryna's MA research aims to analyze the way bilingual interactions are described within the novels of Mizumura Minae. She is generally interested in interdisciplinary approaches and aspire to combine Cultural Studies with both Linguistics and Computer Science in the future. Her main fields of interest are Japanese transnational literature, bilingual novels, digital humanities, and disaster literature.


Graduate School of Humanities/School of Humanities

〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町

Furōchō, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya 464-8601 Japan

People: Tristan R.GRUNOW, Kristina IWATA-WEICKGENANNT, MA Ran

© 2022 by Nagoya University Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies Program

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